Source code for snsxt.setup_report

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Sets up and compiles the parent analysis report for the pipeline output
# ~~~~~ LOGGING ~~~~~~ #
import os
import shutil
from util import log
import logging
import config
from util import tools
import validation

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# path to the script's dir
scriptdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
scriptname = os.path.basename(__file__)
script_timestamp = log.timestamp()

# ~~~~~ LOAD CONFIGS ~~~~~ #
config.config['report_dir'] = os.path.join(config.config['snsxt_dir'], config.config['report_dir'])
config.config['report_compile_script'] = os.path.join(config.config['snsxt_dir'], config.config['report_compile_script'])
config.config['main_report'] = os.path.join(config.config['report_dir'], config.config['main_report'])

configs = config.config

# ~~~~ CUSTOM FUNCTIONS ~~~~~~ #
[docs]def get_report_files(): """ Gets the supporting files for the parent analysis report based on the configs. These include files with helper functions, sub-reports, etc. Returns ------- list a list of paths to files that should be used to set up the parent analysis report """ report_files = [] report_dir = configs['report_dir'] for item in configs['report_files']: file_path = os.path.join(report_dir, item) report_files.append(file_path) return(report_files)
[docs]def get_main_report_file(): """ Gets the path to the main parent report .Rmd file which should be used to compile the analysis report. Returns ------- str the path to the parent .Rmd file to use in compiling the report """ report_dir = configs['report_dir'] main_report_file = configs['main_report'] return(main_report_file)
[docs]def compile_RMD_report(input_file): """ Compiles a .Rmd format report using the R script set in the configs. Todo ---- Need to raise an exception here in case the report script does not exist Returns ------- SubprocessCmd the ``tools.SubprocessCmd`` object for the shell command that was run to execute the report compilation script """ # path to the script that does the document compiling compile_script = configs['report_compile_script'] # shell command to run before running the script to make sure the environment is set right setup_command = 'module load pandoc/1.13.1' # make sure the script exists if not os.path.exists(compile_script): logger.error("Report script does not exist: {0}".format(compile_script)) logger.error("Exiting program") # TODO: raise exception here! sys.exit() else: # build the script command to run command = """ {0} {1} {2} """.format( setup_command, # 0 compile_script, # 1 str(input_file) # 2 ) logger.debug('Report compile command: \n{0}\n'.format(command)) logger.debug('Compiling the report...') run_cmd = tools.SubprocessCmd(command = command).run() logger.debug(run_cmd.proc_stdout) logger.debug(run_cmd.proc_stderr) return(run_cmd)
[docs]def setup_report(output_dir, analysis_id = None, results_id = None): """ setup the main analysis report in the analysis directory by copying over every associated file for the report to the output dir """ # write the analysis_id and results_id to files for the report analysis_id_file = configs['analysis_id_file'] analysis_id_filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, analysis_id_file) with open(analysis_id_filepath, 'w') as f: f.write(str(analysis_id) + '\n') results_id_file = configs['results_id_file'] results_id_filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, results_id_file) with open(results_id_filepath, 'w') as f: f.write(str(results_id) + '\n') # set the main report output filename main_report_filename = '{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(str(analysis_id), str(results_id), os.path.basename(configs['main_report'])) # copy over the main report main_report_path = os.path.join(output_dir, main_report_filename) main_report_template_path = get_main_report_file() validation.validate_items(items = [main_report_template_path]) if os.path.exists(main_report_template_path): logger.debug("Copying report file '{0}' to '{1}' ".format(main_report_template_path, main_report_path)) shutil.copy2(main_report_template_path, main_report_path) else: logger.warning("File does not exist: {0}".format(main_report_template_path)) validation.validate_items(items = [main_report_path]) # copy over the supporting report files report_files = get_report_files() logger.debug("Report files are: {0}".format(report_files)) validation.validate_items(items = report_files) for item in report_files: if os.path.exists(item): output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, os.path.basename(item)) logger.debug("Copying report file '{0}' to '{1}' ".format(item, output_file)) shutil.copy2(item, output_file) else: logger.warning("Report file '{0}' does not exist".format(item)) # compile the report logger.debug("Compiling report...") run_cmd = compile_RMD_report(input_file = main_report_path) if int(run_cmd.process.returncode) != 0: logger.warning("Report compilation process finished with exit status {0}; errors may have occured!".format(run_cmd.process.returncode)) else: logger.debug("Finished compiling the report")