Source code for snsxt.sns_classes.classes

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

General utility classes for the program
import os
import sys
import csv
import json
from collections import defaultdict

# add parent dir to sys.path to import util
scriptdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
parentdir = os.path.dirname(scriptdir)
sys.path.insert(0, parentdir)
from util import find
from util import log
from util import tools
from util.classes import LoggedObject
from util.classes import AnalysisItem
# import config

# ~~~~ CUSTOM CLASSES ~~~~~~ #
[docs]class SnsWESAnalysisOutput(AnalysisItem): """ Container for metadata about a sns WES targeted exome sequencing run analysis """
[docs] def __init__(self, dir, id, sns_config, results_id = None, extra_handlers = None): """ Initialize the object dir = path to the analysis output directory id = ID for the analysis, typically the parent analysis output dir name, corresponding to a NextSeq run ID results_id = typically a time-stamped ID of the results for the analysis, and the subdir name for the anaysis output e.g.: dir = "/ifs/data/molecpathlab/NGS580_WES/170623_NB501073_0015_AHY5Y3BGX2/results_2017-06-26_20-11-26" id = "170623_NB501073_0015_AHY5Y3BGX2" results_id = "results_2017-06-26_20-11-26" sns_config = dictionary of configuration items for the run; requires 'analysis_output_index' dict, and 'email_recipients' extra_filehandlers = None or a list of handlers to add from sns_classes import SnsWESAnalysisOutput import config d = '/ifs/data/molecpathlab/scripts/snsxt/snsxt/fixtures/sns_output/sns_analysis1' x = SnsWESAnalysisOutput(dir = d, id = 'sns_analysis1', sns_config = config.sns) """ AnalysisItem.__init__(self, id = id, extra_handlers = extra_handlers) # ID for the analysis run output; should match NextSeq ID = str(id) # path to the directory containing analysis output self.dir = os.path.abspath(dir) # config dict for sns program settings self.sns_config = sns_config # timestamped ID for the analysis results, if supplied self.results_id = str(results_id) # extra log handlers self.extra_handlers = extra_handlers self._init_attrs() self._init_dirs() self._init_files() self._init_static_files() # self._init_analysis_config() # get the samples for the analysis # self.samples = self.get_samples() # the object should try to validate itself upon initialization # validation will fail if some static files are not present # this should kill the program, since it means the analysis output is invalid # maybe change this later if needed try: self.is_valid = self.validate() # TODO: get rid of this try except !! also need to adjust tests for it... except IOError: self.logger.error("Required files for sns analysis output could not be found in directory '{0}'. Exiting program.".format(self.dir)) sys.exit() # set up per-analysis logger self.logger = log.build_logger(name = self.extra_handlers = extra_handlers if self.extra_handlers: self.logger = log.add_handlers(logger = self.logger, handlers = extra_handlers) self.logger.debug("Initialized logging for analysis: {0}".format(
[docs] def _init_attrs(self): """ Initialize attributes for the analysis """ self.email_recipients = self.sns_config['email_recipients'] self.analysis_output_index = self.sns_config['analysis_output_index']
[docs] def _init_dirs(self): """ Initialize the paths attributes for items associated with the sequencing run from list of dirnames and filename patterns for the output steps in the sns WES analysis output """ for name, attributes in self.analysis_output_index.items(): if name not in ['_parent']: self.set_dir(name = name, path = find.find(search_dir = self.dir, inclusion_patterns = name, search_type = "dir", num_limit = 1, level_limit = 0))
[docs] def _init_static_files(self): """ Initialize paths to files that should always exist in the same location for an analysis output directory """ self.static_files = {key: value for key, value in self.expected_static_files().items()}
[docs] def _init_files(self): """ Initialize the paths to files that might not have consistent naming including: the targets .bed file with the chromosome target regions """ self.set_file(name = 'targets_bed', path = find.find(search_dir = self.dir, inclusion_patterns = "*.bed", exclusion_patterns = '*.pad10.bed', search_type = 'file', num_limit = 1, level_limit = 0))
[docs] def get_analysis_config(self): """ Return a dictionary of config values to pass to child Sample objects """ analysis_config = {} analysis_config['analysis_id'] = analysis_config['analysis_dir'] = self.dir analysis_config['results_id'] = self.results_id analysis_config['dirs'] = self.dirs analysis_config['files'] = self.files analysis_config['static_files'] = self.static_files analysis_config['analysis_is_valid'] = self.is_valid # analysis_config['sns_config'] = self.sns_config return(analysis_config)
[docs] def expected_static_files(self): """ Return a dict of files that are expected to exist in the analysis dir """ expected_files = {} # samplesheet file with the run's paired samples expected_files['paired_samples'] = os.path.join(self.dir, 'samples.pairs.csv') # file with the original starting .fastq file paths & id's expected_files['samples_fastq_raw'] = os.path.join(self.dir, 'samples.fastq-raw.csv') # file with settings for the analysis expected_files['settings'] = os.path.join(self.dir, 'settings.txt') # summary table produced at the end of the WES pipeline expected_files['summary_combined_wes'] = os.path.join(self.dir, 'summary-combined.wes.csv') return(expected_files)
[docs] def get_qsub_logfiles(self, logdir = None): """ Get the list of log files from the qsub dir logdir = x.list_none(x.get_dirs('logs-qsub')) log_files = [item for item in find.find(logdir, search_type = 'file')] """ log_files = [] # try to get the logdir from self if not logdir: logdir = self.list_none(self.get_dirs('logs-qsub')) if not logdir: # TODO: need an exception here self.logger.error('Qsub log dir not found.') else: # find all the log files for item in find.find(logdir, search_type = 'file'): log_files.append(item) return(log_files)
[docs] def check_qsub_log_errors_present(self, log_files = None, err_patterns = ("ERROR:",)): """ Check the qsub logs for errors """ contains_errors = {} # try to find the log files from self if not log_files: log_files = self.get_qsub_logfiles() if not log_files: # TODO: need an exception here self.logger.error('Qsub log files not found.') # check all the files for the patterns for log_file in log_files: with open(log_file, 'rb') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: for err_pattern in err_patterns: if err_pattern in line: contains_errors[log_file] = True # return a boolean for presence of errors if len(contains_errors) < 1: return(False) else: # True or False; any values are True = some log(s) contained error(s) if any(contains_errors.values()): self.logger.error('Error messages were found in some qsub logs') self.logger.debug('qsub log files containing errors: {0}'.format('\n'.join([path for path, value in contains_errors.items() if value == True]))) return(any(contains_errors.values()))
[docs] def get_summary_combined_contents(self, summary_combined_wes_file = None): """ Get the contents of the 'summary-combined.wes.csv' file """ # try to get the file from self if not passed if not summary_combined_wes_file: summary_combined_wes_file = self.static_files.get('summary_combined_wes', None) if not summary_combined_wes_file: # TODO: put an exception here self.logger.error('Could not find the summary_combined_wes_file') # try to open it anyway rows = [] with open(summary_combined_wes_file, 'rb') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: rows.append(row) return(rows)
[docs] def summary_combined_contains_errors(self, summary_combined_wes_rows = None, err_pattern = 'X'): """ Check the 'summary-combined.wes.csv' file for errors; any entry in the sheet that looks like 'X' summary_combined_wes_rows = list of dicts read in by CSV DictReader """ # try to get the contents from self if not passed if not summary_combined_wes_rows: summary_combined_wes_rows = self.get_summary_combined_contents() if not summary_combined_wes_rows: # TODO: put an exception here self.logger.error('Could not find the summary_combined_wes_file contents') contains_errors = {} # try to parse it anyway for row in summary_combined_wes_rows: sampleID = row['#SAMPLE'] # check all entries except the 'Sample' for item in [value for key, value in row.items() if key != '#SAMPLE']: if item == err_pattern: contains_errors[sampleID] = True # return a boolean for presence of errors if len(contains_errors) < 1: return(False) else: # True or False; any values are True = some log(s) contained error(s) if any(contains_errors.values()): self.logger.warning('Error messages were found in "summary-combined.wes.csv" file for samples: {0}'.format([sampleID for sampleID, value in contains_errors.items() if value == True])) return(any(contains_errors.values()))
[docs] def validate(self): """ Check if the analysis is valid for downstream usage """ self.validations = {} # make sure dir exists dir_validation = os.path.exists(self.dir) validation = { 'dir_exists': { 'status': os.path.exists(self.dir), 'note': 'Whether or not the analysis directory ({0}) exists'.format(self.dir) } } self.validations.update(validation) # make sure all expected files exist expected_static_files_existences = [(key, value, os.path.exists(value)) for key, value in self.expected_static_files().items()] static_files_validations = {} validation = { 'expected_static_files_exist': { 'status': all([item[2] for item in expected_static_files_existences]), 'note': 'Whether or not all of the expected files in the analysis exist;\n{0}'.format('\n'.join([str(i) for i in expected_static_files_existences])) } } self.validations.update(validation) # check for qsub log errors validation = { 'no_qsub_log_errors_present': { 'status': not self.check_qsub_log_errors_present(), 'note': 'Whether or not errors are present in the qsub logs' } } self.validations.update(validation) # check for 'X' error entries in validation = { 'no_summary_combined_errors': { 'status': not self.summary_combined_contains_errors(), 'note': 'Whether or not entries are present in the summary combined file' } } self.validations.update(validation) all_valid = [subdict['status'] for key, subdict in self.validations.items()] self.logger.debug('analysis validations:\n{0}'.format(json.dumps(self.validations, indent = 4))) is_valid = all(all_valid)'Analysis output passed validation: {0}'.format(is_valid)) return(is_valid)
[docs] def get_samplesIDs_from_samples_fastq_raw(self, samples_fastq_raw_file = None): """ Get the samples in the run from the samples_fastq_raw file """ # self.logger.debug("Getting sample ID's from the 'samples_fastq_raw' file for the analysis") samplesIDs = [] # try to get the file if it wasn't passed if not samples_fastq_raw_file: samples_fastq_raw_file = self.static_files.get('samples_fastq_raw', None) if samples_fastq_raw_file: with open(samples_fastq_raw_file, "rb") as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile) for row in reader: samplesIDs.append(row[0]) else: self.logger.error('The "samples_fastq_raw" file could not be found for the analysis.') # TODO: raise an exception here # unique entries only samplesIDs = list(set(samplesIDs)) return(samplesIDs)
[docs] def get_samples(self, samplesIDs = None): """ Get the samples for the analysis samplesIDs is a list of character string sample ID's """ samples = [] # try to get the sample IDs if not samplesIDs: samplesIDs = self.get_samplesIDs_from_samples_fastq_raw() for samplesID in samplesIDs: samples.append(SnsAnalysisSample(id = samplesID, analysis_config = self.get_analysis_config(), sns_config = self.sns_config, extra_handlers = self.extra_handlers)) return(samples)
def __repr__(self): return("SnsWESAnalysisOutput {0} ({1}) located at {2}".format(, self.results_id, self.dir))
[docs]class SnsAnalysisSample(AnalysisItem): """ Container for metadata about a sample in the sns WES targeted exome sequencing run analysis output from sns_classes import SnsWESAnalysisOutput import config d = '/ifs/data/molecpathlab/scripts/snsxt/snsxt/fixtures/sns_output/sns_analysis1' x = SnsWESAnalysisOutput(dir = d, id = 'sns_analysis1', sns_config = config.sns) samples = x.get_samples() sample = samples[0] sample.sns_config['analysis_output_index'].items() pattern = + '.dd.ra.rc.bam' sample.get_output_files(analysis_step = 'BAM-GATK-RA-RC', pattern = pattern) """ def __init__(self, id, analysis_config, sns_config, extra_handlers = None): AnalysisItem.__init__(self, id = id, extra_handlers = extra_handlers) = str(id) # set up per-sample logger # self.logger = log.build_logger(name = # if extra_handlers: # self.logger = log.add_handlers(logger = self.logger, handlers = extra_handlers) # self.logger.debug("Initialized logging for sample: {0}".format( self.analysis_config = analysis_config self.sns_config = sns_config # self.logger.debug("Analysis is: {0}".format(self.analysis)) # file matching pattern based on the sample's id self.search_pattern = '{0}*'.format( self._init_analysis_attrs() self._init_dirs() self._init_files()
[docs] def _init_analysis_attrs(self, analysis_config = None): """ Initialize the attributes passed from the parent analysis """ if not analysis_config: analysis_config = self.analysis_config self.analysis_id = analysis_config['analysis_id'] self.analysis_dir = analysis_config['analysis_dir'] self.results_id = analysis_config['results_id'] self.static_files = analysis_config['static_files'] self.analysis_is_valid = analysis_config['analysis_is_valid']
[docs] def _init_dirs(self, analysis_config = None): """ Initialize the paths to dirs for the sample in the analysis """ if not analysis_config: analysis_config = self.analysis_config for name, paths in analysis_config['dirs'].items(): if name not in ['_parent']: self.set_dir(name = name, path = paths)
[docs] def _init_files(self, analysis_config = None): """ Initialize the paths to files in the analysis """ if not analysis_config: analysis_config = self.analysis_config for name, paths in analysis_config['files'].items(): self.set_file(name = name, path = paths)
[docs] def get_output_files(self, analysis_step, pattern): """ Get a file from the sample's analysis output """ # get the dirpath for the analysis step from the analysis dir; return None if there isn't one set for the provided step search_dir = self.list_none(self.analysis_config['dirs'][analysis_step]) patterns = [pattern, self.search_pattern] f = [] if search_dir: # self.logger.debug("Searching for {0} files in {1}, dir: {2}".format(patterns, analysis_step, search_dir)) f = find.find(search_dir = search_dir, inclusion_patterns = patterns, search_type = 'file', match_mode = 'all') # self.logger.debug('Found: {0}'.format(f)) else: self.logger.error("search_dir not found for {0}, dir: {1}".format(analysis_step, search_dir)) return(f)