Source code for snsxt.util.mutt

#!/usr/bin/env python

This script provides a flexible wrapper for mailing files from a remote server with mutt

USAGE: -s "Subject line" -r "," -rt "" -m "This is my email message" /path/to/attachment1.txt /path/to/attahment2.txt

example mutt command which will be created:
# reply-to field; PUT YOUR EMAIL HERE
export EMAIL=""
mutt -s "$SUBJECT_LINE" -a "$attachment_file" -a "$summary_file" -a "$zipfile" -- "$recipient_list" <<E0F
email message HERE

# ~~~~ LOAD PACKAGES ~~~~~~ #
import sys
import os
import subprocess as sp
import argparse
import getpass

# ~~~~ CUSTOM FUNCTIONS ~~~~~~ #
[docs]def subprocess_cmd(command): """ Runs a terminal command with stdout piping enabled """ import subprocess as sp process = sp.Popen(command,stdout=sp.PIPE, shell=True) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip() print(proc_stdout)
[docs]def make_attachement_string(attachment_files): """ Return a string to use to in the mutt command to include attachment files ex: -a "$attachment_file" -a "$summary_file" -a "$zipfile" """ attachment_strings = [] if len(attachment_files) > 0: for file in attachment_files: file_string = '-a "{0}" '.format(file) attachment_strings.append(file_string) attachment_string = ''.join(attachment_strings) return(attachment_string)
[docs]def get_file_contents(file): """ Return a string containing all lines in the file """ lines_list = [] with open(file) as f: for line in f: lines_list.append(line) return(''.join(lines_list))
[docs]def get_reply_to_address(server): """ Get the email address to use for the 'reply to' field in the email needs to be supplied with a server name """ username = getpass.getuser() address = username + '@' + server return(address)
[docs]def mutt_mail(recipient_list, reply_to = '', subject_line = '[]', message = '~ This message was sent by the email script ~', message_file = None, attachment_files = [], return_only_mode = False, quiet = False): """ Main control function for the program Send the message with mutt recipient_list = character string; Format is ',' """ if message_file != None: message = get_file_contents(message_file) attachment_string = make_attachement_string(attachment_files) command = """ export EMAIL="{0}" mutt -s "{1}" {2} -- "{3}" <<E0F {4} E0F""".format(reply_to, subject_line, attachment_string, recipient_list, message) # message.replace('\n', "$'\n'") if quiet == False: print('Email command is:\n{0}\n'.format(command)) if return_only_mode == False: if quiet == False: print('Running command, sending email...') subprocess_cmd(command) elif return_only_mode == True: return(command)
[docs]def run(): """ Run the monitoring program arg parsing goes here, if program was run as a script """ # ~~~~ GET SCRIPT ARGS ~~~~~~ # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Mutt email wrapper') # required flags parser.add_argument("-r", type = str, required=True, dest = 'recipient_list', metavar = 'recipient_list', help="Email(s) to be included in the recipient list. Format is ',' ") # nargs='+' # optional positional args parser.add_argument("attachment_files", type = str, nargs='*', help="Files to be attached to the email") # nargs='+' # default = [], action='append', nargs='?', # optional flags parser.add_argument("-s", default = '[]', type = str, dest = 'subject_line', metavar = 'subject_line', help="Subject line for the email") parser.add_argument("-m", default = '~ This message was sent by the email script ~', type = str, dest = 'message', metavar = 'message', help="Message for the body of the email") parser.add_argument("-rt", default = '', type = str, dest = 'reply_to', metavar = 'message', help="'Reply To' email address to display in the 'From' field of the email") parser.add_argument("-mf", default = None, type = str, dest = 'message_file', metavar = 'message file', help="File containing text to be included in the message body of the email. Overrides message passed with '-m' argument.") parser.add_argument("--norun", default = False, action='store_true', dest = 'return_only_mode', help="Return the 'mutt' command without running it") parser.add_argument("--quiet", default = False, action='store_true', dest = 'quiet', help="Dont print the command being run") args = parser.parse_args() recipient_list = args.recipient_list attachment_files = args.attachment_files subject_line = args.subject_line message = args.message message_file = args.message_file reply_to = args.reply_to return_only_mode = args.return_only_mode quiet = args.quiet mutt_mail(recipient_list = recipient_list, reply_to = reply_to, subject_line = subject_line, message = message, message_file = message_file, attachment_files = attachment_files, return_only_mode = return_only_mode, quiet = quiet)
if __name__ == "__main__": run()